The Somaliland Maritime Resource and Security Strategy
The Somaliland Maritime Resource and Security Strategy
إ Thematic Annexes, Goals and Priorities as of January 2018)
Annex Contents
Top Identified Priorities -----------------------------------------Page 3
Annex A- Maritime Governance-------------------------------Page 4
Annex B- Maritime Law Enforcement------------------------Page 5
Annex C- Maritime Security-------------------------------------Page 7
Annex D- Maritime Safety---------------------------------------Page 9
Annex E- Maritime Response and Recovery----------------Page 11
Annex F- Maritime Economy------------------------------------Page 12
SMRSS OVERVIEW- Identified Top Priorities for Implementation
Thematic Annexes
Top Priorities
Maritime Governance
Develop and Legislate a National Maritime Administration with full capacity to implement the required domestic and international maritime legislations and undertake the government responsibilities as a Coastal State, Port State and Flag State
Develop seafarers’ activities
Rewrite and legislate a new Maritime Code
Invest and train maritime human resources at all levels of government
Fund maritime security focal point, Somaliland CPC Office, to coordinate and lead the development of maritime agencies
Maritime Law Enforcement
Develop a maritime law enforcement governance structure with attendant legislation for improved law enforcement at sea and in ports.
Develop and train a maritime prosecutorial capability within the justice sector together with trained judges, lawyers and infrastructure to deal with maritime cases.
Custodial facilities and corps
Prosecutors at the AG service trained
Prosecutors’ office and facilities built.
Court rooms & Facilities
Develop suitable maritime law enforcement agencies (funding, training and equipping) to conduct law enforcement at sea out to SL EEZ.
Maritime Security
Develop a deep-sea patrol capability to conduct Fishery Protection within the Somaliland EEZ,together with other duties including policing, Immigration, Maritime CT, Counter Piracy and environmental protection. This initial capability will be provided by a Coast Guard Service (under the MOI). Civilian law enforcement service it can undertake national defence tasks as deemed necessary (this will need to be enshrined and protected in legislation).
Establish Maritime Domain Awareness centres in key ports (Berbera, Zeyla, Lughaya,Eel Sheikh, Bulhaar, Eeldaraad,Karin,Ankor,Ruuguuda, Shalow, Heis, Mait, Laasa Surad, Harshow,Lasqorey, Geer weyta,Durduri and Eelayo)
Continue to train Coast Guard Personnel as boarding parties to serve on Coalition warships as (LEDETS), Specialist Search teams and boarding parties/prize escorts for vessels found in breach of international sanctions or in contravention of International/Domestic laws.
Maritime Safety
Establish and improve existing maritime educational institutions and provide training for Somaliland fishermen and seafarers.
Boat licensing and port control system for all vessels leaving and entering Somaliland ports.
Rehabilitation of Lighthouses and markers along the Somaliland coast.
Maritime Response and Recovery
Creation of a Maritime Rescue Coordination Centre (MRCC) - Including responses capability to maritime search and rescue requirements and the improvement of maritime safety at sea in Somaliland waters.
Provide training and equipment to Somaliland CPC Office/The new Maritime Administration to run the MRCC effectively
Provide training and equipment to a special team in the CG who can readily respond to rescue crisis
Maritime Economy
Enhancement of the capacity of the Ministry of Fisheries & Marine Resources (Licensing, control. Surveillance and enforcement) . Port State Measurement. Quality Control. Coastal Management.
In conjunction with other areas of government develop the Oil and Gas Industry; facilitate the safety and security of offshore platforms and the service industry that supports this development. Protection of Environment
Facilitate the development of an onshore and offshore renewable energy sector and the necessary safety and security measures to allow for its development in a planned manner.
Enhance the Development of the Maritime Services Sector (Ports, Shipping and other business services in the maritime domain).
Annex A- Maritime Governance
Goal 1: Maritime Governance: The exercise of government authority and responsibilities to define policy objectives and to establish and implement laws, policies, regulations, plans, and governmental infrastructure to achieve national maritime security objectives. Includes negotiation of and compliance with international obligations, regulation of the use of the maritime realm by competing interests, maritime training and education, stakeholder and inter-governmental coordination and communication, agency capabilities, and accountability under laws and ethical standards.
Create a Maritime Coordination Committee to provide leadership and bring all the maritime stakeholders together to formulate maritime Policy. This Committee will be chaired by a government Minister. Key priorities will be:
Develop a National Maritime Strategy
Create a national resource management protection plan.
Develop a National Maritime Coordination Committee
Ensure maritime security institutions are adequately funded with appropriate legal basis and oversight.
Fund maritime security focal points to runl Maritime Security Coordination Committee and to represent Somaliland in International Forums.
Maritime agency organisation. The tasks required to delineate agency roles and responsibilities (including sub-national agencies) within the Somaliland maritime sector and ensure interagency and intergovernmental coordination in support of national strategy.
Establish a Maritime Administration and Environmental Protection Agency
Enhance the capacity of the Ministry of Fisheries & Marine Resources
Maritime law and policy - The tasks required to develop, assess, refine, and promulgate maritime law, policy, and regulations. This will include:
Establish a legal framework to support the National Maritime Strategy and harmonize maritime laws .
Develop and promulgate national maritime security law and regulations through appropriate policy and governance infrastructure to develop maritime policy on an on-going basis.
Rewrite and legislate a new Maritime Code
Diplomatic and Foreign Affairs Support - The tasks required to coordinate between civil and criminal law enforcement and foreign affairs entities to ensure effective attainment of national maritime goals.
Ability to participate in international and multilateral administrative bodies (maritime and non-maritime).
Recruitment and maintenance of professional staff with requisite expertise.
Maritime programs - The tasks required to develop and enforce regulations and standards in support of national strategies and goals.
Create and enforce regulations and standards for the governance of the maritime domain
Natural Resource Management
Maritime Administration
Environmental Protection
Maritime professionals - The tasks required to recruit, educate, train, and retain maritime personnel across the full spectrum of maritime safety and security. Includes both public and private sector and related support personnel.
Create and improve maritime educational institutions
Create certification and credential criteria for maritime professionals. It has to be linked to WMU & IMO
Rehabilitate/establish Somaliland maritime research centre.
Develop curriculum for the educational development of maritime professionals
Construct infrastructure for maritime educational facilities
Suitable teaching, mentoring and apprenticeship opportunities for students
Maritime agency outreach and stakeholder coordination - The tasks required to ensure appropriate input and coordination for policy decisions from a wide range of maritime security stakeholders and dissemination of information to those affected by maritime security issues.
Ability to share relevant maritime information to appropriate parties in a timely manner
Appropriate ministerial oversight of maritime sector programs, agencies and projects
Goal 2: Maritime Law Enforcement: The exercise of authorities and responsibilities to secure the maritime realm from illegal activities such as intentional damage to maritime interests through sabotage, subversion, terrorism, or criminal acts; border exploitation and illegal damage or removal of marine resources.
Maritime Law Enforcement Governance and Administration: The tasks required to govern maritime law enforcement and manage the development of the sector within defined policy and legal frameworks, ensuring clarity of roles and responsibilities between Maritime Law Enforcement Agencies, line ministries and other relevant actors, at the federal and regional levels.
Ability of relevant line ministries to provide policy and strategic guidance, leadership and oversight over Maritime Law Enforcement Agencies, ensuring service delivery, transparency and accountability.
Operate within the existing legal frameworks, ensuring justice chain implementation from arrest to prosecution. Components:
Operate within the legal framework in accordance with human rights standards’
Revise legislation as required.
Develop cooperation and coordination with the prosecutorial chain, including law enforcement, judiciary and corrections services as appropriate.
Ensure records and information management systems are in place and kept secure.
Adequate accountability and oversight. Components:
Oversight mechanisms in place.
Complaint mechanisms are in place and accessible to the public.
Assist/Support development of an effective Human Resource Management. Components:
Electronic Salary Payroll and timely payment
Establish procedure for a transparent recruitment and vetting programmes
Regulate and Promote gender balance in the governance administration and at operational level.
Implementation of administrative rules and procedure to guarantee transparency and efficiencies. Components:
Implement transparent budgeting and financial management
Implement transparent public procurement process including anti-corruption, conflict of interest, and ethical guidelines and their enforcement
Develop project management capacity and project implementation
Internal control system is in place
Enforcement of civil and criminal law - The tasks required to ensure effective implementation and enforcement of all applicable treaties, laws, and regulations in a transparent and ethical manner.
Ability to provide qualified and trained maritime law-enforcement personnel. Components:
Appropriate and transparent recruitment programmes for Maritime Law Enforcement Agencies
Develop training programmes for Maritime Law Enforcement Agencies
Ensure adherence to professional standards of Maritime Law Enforcement Agencies.
Ability to enforce laws utilising inter-agency and international coordination and cooperation. Components:
Development of environmental and public health programmes
Develop security and investigative procedure.
Establishment mechanisms to share information, including intelligence and threat analysis reports, financial data, law enforcement data, and joint training results.
Establishment of mutual legal assistance arrangements.
Ability to ensure administrative and professional accountability to maintain public integrity and combat corruption. Components:
Maritime Law enforcement personnel trained to investigate corruption within the maritime sector
Ability to conduct maritime law enforcement operations, including joint operations. Components:
Routine patrols at sea and in coastal areas
Inspection, boarding, and detection/search/seizure enforcement
Investigation, chain of custody, and prosecutorial liaison
Integrated maritime border management - The tasks required to provide proper maritime border oversight to ensure legitimate trade duties and tariffs are collected and illegal movement of goods and people is prevented.
Ability to execute customs laws, regulations, and policies. Components:
Adherence to WCO SAFE Framework of Standards and/or other international and regional agreements.
Laws and policies to address standards and procedures.
Customs processes to improve security and border integrity while facilitating the flow of commerce.
Ability to execute customs operations. Components:
Trained and supervised personnel for customs operations at all maritime ports of entry.
Implementation of pre-shipment and reception inspection standards and operations.
Ability to execute customs import/export duties. Components:
Develop mechanism for the collection of excise, trade duties and maritime tonnage taxes
Ability to control maritime ports of entry. Components
Existence of identified borders and formally designated ports of entry
Appropriately staffed security, inspection, immigration, monitoring, intelligence collection, and threat abatement entities
Appropriate immigration/border control functions, including visa issuance and passport control, as well as access to foreign ministry records
Ability to conduct maritime border surveillance
Maritime border checkpoints
Judicial sector support - The tasks required to adjudicate maritime related cases within an open legal system with an understanding of the unique aspects of the maritime operating environment.
Ability to provide a fair judiciary process for cases presented by Maritime Law Enforcement Agencies.
Professional prosecutorial service for cases presented by Maritime Law Enforcement Agencies
Develop and maintain corrections infrastructure to respond to the arrests executed by the Maritime Law Enforcement Agencies.
Develop and train a maritime prosecutorial capability within the justice sector together with trained judges, lawyers and infrastructure to adequately try maritime related cases
Port security - The tasks required to ensure maritime ports and the marine transportation system are protected, and that the ability to use or exploit them as a means of attack on domestic territory, population, vessels, and infrastructure is denied.
Ability to identify threat conditions and to set appropriate security levels to address the threat on a sustainable basis
Ability to control access of both personnel and materials; to conduct appropriate screenings of the workforce and workforce applicants; and to detect and appropriately respond to threats.
Vessel security - The tasks required to ensure vessels are protected from access or exposure to unauthorised cargo, people, tracking, or monitoring, and from being used or exploited as a means of attack
Ability to control access; to conduct appropriate screenings of the workforce and workforce applicants; to detect and appropriately respond to threats; to counter-detect unauthorized monitoring and tracking; and to counter threats with appropriate use of force according to enacted legislation.
Supply chain security - The tasks required to ensure components or elements that support or contribute to the maritime supply chain, including but not limited to cargo, containers, fuel, equipment, parts, shore side facilities, manufacturers, seafarers, longshoremen, stevedores, and labourers are protected from unauthorised access, use, or exploitation as a means of attack.
Ability to control access; to conduct appropriate screenings of the workforce and workforce applicants; to detect and appropriately respond to threats; to detect fraudulent IDs or attempted unlawful access; and to counter threats with appropriate use of force according to enacted legislation.
Maritime environmental enforcement - The tasks required to ensure effective enforcement of all applicable laws to protect the marine environment, consistent with international law.
Ability to manage maritime species and habitats. Components:
Laws and regulations that prescribe standards and prohibitions relating to invasive and endangered species, habitats, and biodiversity management.
Enforcement of licensing and permitting regimes and supporting investigation capacity
Prosecutorial and judicial competencies on criminal, civilian and administrative law.• Maritime personnel who are trained, assigned, and supervised to enforce laws and regulations relating to species and habitat protection
Public and private partnerships and education to address species and habitat preservation, mitigation, and restoration
Ability to control systematically pollution in the marine environment
Goal 3: Maritime Security - The exercise of defensive authorities and responsibilities to deter, detect, and interdict unlawful acts against the infrastructure, assets, and interests of a country’s maritime domain, stakeholders, and users.
Maritime defence administration - The tasks required to clarify roles and responsibilities within and amongst national maritime agencies with defence roles, at the national and sub-national level, and to coordinate in support of national strategy.
Ability to facilitate interagency coordination and cooperation.
Ability of national defence forces to work collaboratively with foreign ministry and other diplomats on maritime defence issues.
Ability to manage maritime defence personnel. Components:
Recruitment and vetting programs
Training programmes established and supported MOD
System of professional military education and schools established
Transparent system of promotion for military personnel
Ability to administer a maritime, military, civil, criminal, and administrative justice system. Components:
Appropriate legal basis
Complaint and investigative capacity
Adjudication capacity
Records and information management system
Ability to manage systematically maritime defence procurement. Components:
Transparent, public processes
Complaint and investigation capacity
Adequate project management
Appropriate anti-corruption, conflict of interest, and ethical guidelines and enforcement.
Ability to manage maritime defence financial management processes. Components:
Transparent budgeting
Executive and legislative oversight
Internal inspector general controls
Maritime Defence Forces - The tasks required to ensure naval assets and agencies with defence roles are able to protect the national maritime domain from threats or losses from Illegal acts or aggression that could have security, safety, economic, or environmental impacts.
Ability to exert appropriate command and control of naval and supporting forces for maritime operations effectively. Components:
Military command structures subordinate to, and in support of, appropriate civilian authorities
Inter-service liaison and coordination
Regional and international cooperation
Train naval personnel as boarding parties to serve of Coalition warships as law enforcement detachments, specialist search teams and boarding parties/escorts for vessels found in breach of international sanctions or contravention of international/domestic laws.
Develop a deep- sea patrol capability to conduct Fishery Protection within the Somali EEZ, together with other duties including policing, immigration, maritime counter-terrorism, counter- piracy and environmental protection.
Interdict threats against the national infrastructure, assets, and interests of national maritime domain stakeholders and users. Components:
Policies and plans
Standard operating procedures
Standard organization regulations manuals
Tactics, techniques, and procedures
On-going operational training
Ability to deploy and sustain a maritime defence fleet. Components:
Vessels, aircraft, and supporting equipment
Adequate levels of equipment maintenance
Stores, fuels, and supplies to ensure open sea lines of communication and the safe transit of maritime commerce
Personnel adequately trained to support maritime defence fleet
Ability to collect, secure, process, analyse, integrate, and interpret on a systematic basis available information/intelligence concerning external threats to the maritime domain. Components:
Threat detection
Investigative capacity
Information coordination and sharing
MSA/MDA coordination
Ability to plan for maritime defence contingencies. Components:
Joint Exercises
International Interoperability
Maritime situational awareness (MSA)/maritime domain awareness (MDA) - The tasks required to effectively understand anything associated with the global and regional maritime domain that could have security, safety, economic, or environmental impacts.
Tools and systems for establishing MSA/MDA are identified and provided through appropriate governmental authority
Personnel are identified and trained on MSA activities
Proper equipment and facilities are identified and provided for MSA centres
Adequate information sharing lines established for information dissemination
Establish Maritime Domain Awareness centers in key ports (Berbera, Bosaaso, Hobyo, Mogadishu and Kismayo) that are linked into regional centers.
Goal 4 Maritime Safety: The exercise of safety authorities and responsibilities to ensure personnel, vessel and facility safety. Includes domestic and foreign flag vessels, onshore and offshore facilities and the ability to provide oversight and enforcement of standards; investigate accidents and misconduct; and improve standards and policies.
Maritime safety administration-The tasks required to manage the qualifications and suitability of maritime professionals and other users of the maritime domain.
Ability to ensure safety, professionalism, transparency, and anti-corruption protections for maritime professionals, including harbour masters, pilots, merchant mariners, and Commercial fishermen. Components:
Administrative licensing and documentation processes and capacity
Testing/licensing/re-testing for inland waterway maritime professionals
Complaint and investigative capacity of accidents, abuse, misconduct and negligence, including illegal use of child labour and other labour abuses
Administrative judicial enforcement
Interagency coordination and information sharing (e.g., criminal background checking)
Physical requirement investigations, such as for drug testing
Continuing education
Develop a logging in and out system for Somaliland boats operating from Somali fishing ports, and incorporating the Dhow project on reporting dhow movements (and other movements) and details to the international naval forces so as to reduce the likelihood of mistaken identity
Flag state control - The tasks required to manage national flag vessels. This includes adequate working conditions and safety and environmental protection requirements, regardless of vessel size or location
Ability to implement SOLAS/MARPOL obligations through law and regulations. Components:
Vessel registration, licensing, permissions, inspection, and documentation monitoring systems
Vessel construction and operations safety and environmental regulation/inspection systems
Laws and/or implementing regulations for domestic vessels not covered by SOLAS/MARPOL
Port state control - The tasks required to inspect foreign ships in national ports to verify that the conditions of the ship and its equipment comply with the requirements of international regulations and that the ship is manned and operated in compliance with these rules.
Ability to participate in and implement relevant international port state control conventions. Components:
Port state risk evaluation system, including advance notice of arrival
Port state vessel monitoring, including MSA/MDA linkages
Inspection personnel and equipment, both at sea and onshore, for inspection and continuous monitoring of vessel movements and status
Fishing and small vessel safety and operations management- The tasks required to manage licensing, safety, and fish sustainability as related to fishing and small vessels.
Ability to register, license, permit, inspect, document, and monitor fishing and small vessels. Components:
Licensing database established
Fisheries Management Plan created
Maritime facility safety management The tasks required to manage onshore maritime terminals and offshore extraction-related terminals and industrial sites.
Ability to operate and manage maritime facilities (including extraction industries) and their cargo safely. Components:
Facility construction, operations safety, and environmental protection regulation and inspection systems
Inspection, visitation, search/seizure, and related enforcement processes
Mariner licensing administration - The tasks required to ensure that commercial vessels are operated by trained inland waterway personnel and that shipboard personnel have appropriate credentials.
Ability to ensure safety, professionalism, transparency, and anti-corruption protections for qualification and credentialing of seafarers. Components:
Administrative licensing and documentation processes and capacity
Complaint and investigative capacity of accidents, abuse, misconduct, negligence, etc.
Testing/licensing/re-testing for pilots and other professionals
Inspector general oversight, powers, and capacity
Interagency coordination and information sharing (e.g., criminal background checking)
Databases of licensed mariners and/or vessel operators
Secure identity credentials
Continuing education
Aids to navigation infrastructure, equipment and maintenance The tasks required to provide and maintain lights, hazard warnings, channel markings, communications and vessel traffic controls.
Ability to ensure safe navigation through suitable hazard warnings and channel markings. Components:
Buoys, lighthouses, etc.
Radio communication systems
Vessel traffic information systems
Aids to navigation installation and maintenance equipment
Channel and harbour management- The tasks required to promote efficient trade and transport, public health, and sound environmental protection, such as navigational safety; dredging, wreck removal, EOD; and bridge management over navigable waterways.
Ability to ensure adequate harbour and channel viability through interagency coordination, equipment capacity, and regulatory enforcement. Components:
Dredging capability
ERW clearance in ports
Hazard removal and marking
Channel marking
Maritime safety interagency coordination - The tasks required to manage multiple agency roles and functions.
Ability to coordinate and cooperate on an interagency basis to ensure compliance. Components:
International obligations
Commercial and trade concerns
Environmental and public health programs
Security and investigative protections
GOAL 5 Maritime Response and Recovery: The exercise of specialized response and recovery authorities and responsibilities to react to maritime related incidents and to recover rapidly from those incidents.
Emergency response administration- The tasks required to support, coordinate, and improve planning, preparation, response, and recovery to mitigate maritime all-hazards.
Ability to plan appropriately for national and sub-national maritime emergencies. Components:
Appropriate organisational structures and oversight (separate agencies, councils, etc.)
Command and control capabilities
Interagency communication and coordination
Compliance with international agreements and requests for assistance
Investigative, administrative, civil, and criminal prosecutorial capacities
Financial recovery plans, bonding requirements, civil penalties, and national emergency response accounts
Public procurement processes and oversight
Incident management- The tasks required to prepare for, respond to, and manage all types of incidents, including search-and-rescue, migration, fire, and environmental incidents occurring in on- or offshore facilities, harbours, channels, and vessels; or offshore.
Ability to manage an operational system of incident command and control. Components:
Incident response plans, drills and exercises
Resource and responsibility coordination plans
Recovery and mitigation plans, drills and exercises
Interagency plans, including coordination and deployment of military and subnational resources
Linkage of necessary incident resources and MSA/MDA
Creation of a Maritime Rescue Coordination Center (MRCC)- including response capability for maritime search and rescue requirements and the improvement of maritime safety at sea in Somali waters.
Search and rescue- The tasks required to manage operational plans and special equipment to search for and rescue persons in distress.
Ability to manage on a systemic basis maritime search and rescue operations, including monitoring of distress situations and communication with rescue assets. Components:
Search and rescue plans
Readily available personnel and equipment, including air, land and marine vessels;
drift models; and updated charts.
Boat licensing and port control system for all vessels leaving and entering Somali ports.
Environmental- The tasks required to manage contingency plans and special equipment to combat spills from vessels and facilities (onshore and offshore) and air discharges in the marine domain and to protect affected individuals from pollution.
Ability to manage marine environmental spill response. Components:
Contingency plans
Readily available personnel and equipment, including air, land, and marine vessels; and toxic material containment and mitigation equipment
Personal protectivze equipment for responders
Protection of affected persons
Maritime defence assistance to civil authorities - The tasks required to authorize interagency activities by agencies with defence roles through appropriate law and policy and to organize interagency cooperation at the national and sub-national level in response to emergency incidents.
Ability to utilize maritime defence forces in support of national all-hazards emergencies, including security, environmental, and piracy incidents; and accidents at sea. Components:
Appropriate laws and policies
Interagency coordination protocols
Communication and coordination with private sector stakeholders and the public
Investigation and after action analysis - The tasks required to conduct an official inquiry into the causes of an incident, to work with responsible parties to undertake mitigation, and to identify measures to prevent repetition of similar incidents.
Ability to determine the causes of maritime incidents and to identify measures to prevent a recurrence. Components:
Subject matter experts
Procedures for inquiries and interviews with persons involved
GOAL 6: Maritime Economy - The exercise of economic authorities and responsibilities to promote prosperity within and related to the maritime realm. Includes facilitation of infrastructure development to support sustainable economic capacity building for, and management of, maritime revenue streams from tourism, fishing, resource extraction, commercial shipping, and port operations.
Economic activity regulation and management- The tasks required to ensure a comprehensive maritime economic and regulatory environment contributes to the sustainable commercial development of a nation, through the promotion of safety of passage, compliance with international obligations, and improvement in levels of competence, resulting in increased competitiveness of goods and services.
Ability to manage non-renewable maritime resource extraction for natural resources such as oil, gas, and minerals. Components:
Resource Management plans created and enforced
Licensing databases and systems created
Sustainable, balanced economic development plans
Environmental Impact assessments
Laws and regulations that prescribe standards and prohibitions for management of non-renewable maritime resources (including oil, gas, and mineral extraction)
Training, assignment, and supervision of qualified maritime personnel to undertake Enforcement and oversight
Public and private partnerships and education to address preservation, mitigation, and restoration of renewable resources affected by non-renewable resource extraction
Anti-corruption programs
Ability to manage renewable maritime resource extraction for fishing, aquaculture, marine and coastal tourism, and recreation. Components
Resource Management plans created and enforced
Licensing databases and systems created
Sustainable, balanced economic development plans
Environmental Impact assessments
Laws and regulations that prescribe standards and prohibitions for management of non-renewable maritime resources (including oil, gas, and mineral extraction)
Training, assignment, and supervision of qualified maritime personnel to undertake Enforcement and oversight
Public and private partnerships and education to address preservation, mitigation, and restoration of renewable resources affected by non-renewable resource extraction
Anti-corruption programs
Ability to facilitate maritime trade. Components:
Bilateral and multilateral diplomatic engagement
Vessel management
Well-defined and accepted terms of trade, taxation regimes, and bilateral customs agreements
Interagency coordination of trade and revenue activities
Ability to regulate trade of sensitive and dual use items through establishment and maintenance of strategic trade controls that ensure export licenses support foreign policy objectives and national security priorities. Components:
Regulations for restricted and dual use goods
Interagency cooperation
Outreach to business communities
Commercial ports Ports and associated waterways are maintained in navigable condition, are accessible and secure, have properly maintained facilities and are supported by necessary infrastructure.
Develop a maritime services sector with the Ability to support robust maritime port commerce with adequate infrastructure to support the efficient operations of port facilities. Components:
Public-private partnership program framework
Negotiation of public/private financing
Transparent and non-discriminatory procedures for soliciting bids and granting concessions to operate port facilities
Container/break-bulk cargo terminals, including infrastructure, warehousing, and storage yards
Bulk wet and dry cargo terminals, including supporting infrastructure, warehousing, and storage yards
Passenger terminals for ferries and cruise ships
Ability to manage and oversee the ownership, licensure, income, and operations of maritime trade enterprises. Components:
Non-discriminatory regulatory framework consistent with international trade principles
Revenue generation/collection
Licensing and ownership database
Transport - The tasks required to promote the development of efficient, integrated maritime supply chains, with a combination of personnel and equipment able to support broad national maritime goals, development programs, and initiatives.
Ability to manage and oversee the ownership, licensure, income, and operations of maritime-related transportation. Components:
Non-discriminatory regulatory framework consistent with international trade principles
Non-discriminatory revenue generation and collection
Ability to support maritime commerce through maritime transportation, integration of non-maritime transportation modes, and infrastructure across relevant environments. Components:
Plans (national and multi-national)
Urban planning expertise
Public land management
Appropriate use of eminent domain
Negotiation of public/private financing
Integration of multiple transportation modes and ports supporting maritime commerce
Market conditions - The tasks required to encourage markets to function efficiently and to prevent (including through the establishment of incentive structures and enforcement mechanisms) their exploitation.
Anti-Corruption and anti-trust measures to eliminate market imbalances
Fishing Industries - The tasks required to develop a fishing industry for domestic and international consumption and enhance sustained utilization of fish and marine resources
The ability catch, store, market and transport fish for domestic consumption and international markets
The ability to monitor, regulate and control fishing in Somalia waters by International fleets, together with the training required.
To establish the legal framework for the fishery sector
To build the capacity of local authorities and communities for ensuring sustained use of fish and marine resources
To improve the fish sector performance and its national economic contribution
Create a fisheries regulatory authority responsible for policy and the overall management of the fisheries sector.
Ensure that (our) fisheries laws (including Fisheries Law #23 of 1985) are developed and amended to support the following:
The establishment of a fisheries regulatory authority, identifying its mandate/functions;
Licensing and authorization of fishing boats (local or foreign);
Fisheries management planning processes
Strengthening legal frameworks for fisheries, addressing among other issues: institutional structures; management tasks and responsibilities; setting out separation between compliance and enforcement; license systems; data collection; reporting, monitoring, control, surveillance (MCS); and enforcement.
Supporting capacities for the collection of fisheries-related data (fishing activities, stock assessments, vessels present, etc.).
Developing a functioning MCS plan and capability to combat IUU fishing.
Setting up training facilities for fisheries-related professions, fisheries management, research, and fisheries-related skills such as marketing and fisheries commerce, hygiene and sanitation, etc
Maritime Infrastructure- The development of maritime infrastructure to include ports, maritime renewable energy, shipping and other attendant infrastructure.
Developing coastal infrastructure, including appropriate landing sites, development of cold chain and supporting capacities for building adequate fishing vessels.
Develop a maritime services sector for the support of the ports, shipping and other maritime businesses
Facilitate the development of an on-shore and offshore renewable energy sector and the necessary safety and security measures for its development.
Facilitate the development of offshore oil and gas platforms and the attendant service industries.
Marine Environmental Conditions- The tools and tasks necessary to ensure the continued survival and abundance of Somali living natural resources.
Conduct assessment of toxic waste dumping in Somali waters.
Produce a State of Marine Environment report to assess the health and sustainability of Somali waters and living marine resources.
Development of living natural resource management plans.
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