
Showing posts from May, 2017

Shir magalada jabouti lagu qabtey oo soo qabaqabisey urur goboleedka igad oo lagaga hadlayay sidii layskaga kashan lahaa kallumaysiga bilaa sharciga ah ciidamada ilaalada xeebaha iyo difaca badda Somaliland ka qaybgalay

Magaaladda Jabuuti Saaka Waxaa Nooga Furmay Kulan Hawleed Soconaya Saddex Cisho Oo Ay Soo Qabanqaabiyeen Urur Goboleedka IGAD. Kulankan Waxaa Lagu Lafo Gurayaa Sidii Wadamadda Ururkan Ku Jira Isaga Kaashan Lahaayeen Ka hortagidda Kalluumeysiga Sharci daradda Ah Iyo Ilaalinta Kheyraadka Baddaha. Somaliland Shirkan Waxaa uga Qeybgalay Wasaaradda Kalluumeysiga Iyo Kheyraadka badda Iyo Ciidanka Badda Iyo difaaca xeebaha Somaliland. Gaar ahaan ciidamada ilaalada xeebaha iyo difaca badda waxa uga qayb galay Hogaanka saadka ciidamada badda gashaanle Khadar Maxamed ciise

EU Maritime Capacity Building Mission (EUCAP) organizes CID Training course in Hargeisa ten coast guard officers and ten police officers

The EU Maritime Capacity Building Mission (EUCAP) organised a comprehensive Criminal Investigation Department (CID) training course in Hargeisa in cooperation with the Somaliland Police between 25th-27th April. A total of twenty-five trainees participated in the course including ten Police Officers, ten Coast Guard Officers and 5 Prosecutors. The participants learned about investigation techniques, evidence handling and crime scene management. Besides mentoring and advising on technical aspects of the training, the course aimed at supporting and enhancing the collaboration among different law enforcement and maritime law enforcement agencies. Understanding partner needs in the chain of the mutual task of investigating crime cases will lead to more effective law enforcement actions. “A comprehensive training with the interaction of Police, Coast Guard and prosecutors is an important step in contributing to security capacity building in Somaliland,” said EUCAP Police Adviser, ...