
Showing posts from 2016

taliyaha ciidanka bada somaliland

Somalililand coast guard  added  3 new photos . Published by  Cabdisalaan Maxamed Cabaas Duncarbeed  ·  Yesterday at 8:32am  ·  Operations Center to Improve Maritime Safety Opens in Berbera OBP, United Nations of Drugs and Crime (UNODC), EUCAP Nestor and the Somaliland Coast Guard announced the opening of the Berbera Maritime Operations Center on 26 May 2016. The center, primarily funded by the Taipei Representative Office in the European Union and Belgium, and operated by the Somaliland Coast Guard and part of the OBP Maritime Communications Initiative, will improve the quality and speed of communication - increasing the safety of Somaliland waters for local maritime traffic and will assist in combatting illegal fishing, piracy and other maritime crimes. The Maritime Operations Center in Berbera will be operated by the Somaliland Coast Guard. The opening ceremony of the Maritime Operations Center in Berbera was attended by ...

Qalab Casri ah Oo Loo Keenay Ciidamada Bada Jsl 27May2016

Tababar ay wada fulinayeen EU CAP NESTOR IYO HAYAD MARAYKAN AH OBP ayaa waxay Tababar ku siiyeen 10 sarkaal iyo sarkaalo xigeena ah markab ay leeyiin ciidamada Jarmalka oo ka mid ah ciidamada midowga yurub ee ilaaleeya gacanka cadmeed Markabkaas oo lagu magacaabo F276 ERFURT . Waxaana hogaaminayay saraakiisha ciidanka bada somaliland Sarkaalka Madaxa hawlgalinta berbera Maxamed yusuf cisman  waxaana xafladii tababarkaas soo gabagabeeyay ADMIRALKA GUUD EE CIIDANKA ILAALADA XEEBAHA SOMALILAND MAXAMED XUSSEIN FARAX
Badmareeno ka tirsan Hawlgalka Atalanta oo tababar u gudbiyay ciidamada ilaalada xeebaha ee Somaliland Markab dagaalka Hawlgalka Atalanta ee FGS Erfurt ayaa u gudbiyay tababar khaas ah arday ka tirsan ciidamada ilaalada xeebaha ee Somaliland. EUCAP Nestor wa ergo rayid ah oo ku hawlan, kalin hor lehna ka qaadata nabadgeliyada badda Somaliland. Hawlgalka Atalanta ayay si wada jir ah u wadashaqeeyaan iyago ku dadaalaya sidii ay Somaliland u gaddhi lahayd iskufillasho xagaa amni ga badda. Mawduuca tababarkani wuxu aha aaladaha warisgadhsiinta ee radiyaha badda loo isticmaalo. Khaasatan alaada casriga ah ee loo yaqaan AIS ee ay maraakibta waaweyni isticmaalan. Iyo waliba aalada radaarka ee lagu hago maraakiibta. Ardaydii ka qeyb qaadatay tababarkan -aqontii ay ka soo fa’idaysten waxaa looga fadhiya inay la doontan qolka aaladaha warisgadhsiinta casriga ah ee magaala xeebedka Berbera.Waxay halkaasi ku hagi doonan marakiibta kana weeciyaan waxyabaha khatarta eek u soo socda. Iyo waliba inay ...
Somaliland:Oceans Beyond Piracy Provides Funds to Upgrades SL Coast Guards Facilities The commander of Somaliland Coast Guards Admiral Mohamed Hussein Farah “Hiraane” and representatives of Golis Energy Company in on Saturday signed an agreement which for the installation of Solar power panels which will be used to power newly constructed structures and other facilities at the main Coast guard base located in in the port town of Berbera both the new structures and the Solar p ower equipment were donated by Oceans Beyond Piracy (OBP) , a privately funded and independent non-profit organization located in Colorado, USA. Oceans Beyond Piracy (OBP) work is meant to develop a sustainable and long-term solution to maritime piracy in the Western Indian Ocean and Horn of Africa through supporting maritime stakeholders in their work to build security capacity, create economic opportunity and enhance maritime situational awareness in and around the waters off the Somali coast and in the wi...
By the. end of last month somaliland coast guard got capacity building in media office equipment and personal training gained by our media communication team by adam smith international hopefully it's wonderful for us to received good and completed equipment and officers training from adam smith international and we appreciating for their efforts to put the pressure how somaliland vision and standard come true by somaliland coast guard Media officer lieutenants Hussein habane dhimbiil